Mind if I explain why?
(1). The less time you spend around people who aren't good to you, or for you, the less reason you have to get stuck in a rut of anger, resentment, grudges, and unresolved issues.
(2). The more time you spend around people who love you, listen to you, accept you for who you are, respect you, and, oh yeah, agree with you, more often than not, the more reason you have to be positive, pro-active, motivated, and genuinely happy.
(3). When you're on that higher plane, it's a hell of a lot easier to be BOLD and a no-brainer to be BULLETPROOF. When you have that going for you, nothing, not even the most disparaging or abrasive comment any alphole or femhole can spew, can do any damage.
Don't get the wrong idea, you don't need other people to MAKE you Bold and Bulletproof. That's entirely your doing. But to stay that way, you need to be VERY selective as to who's in your supporting cast. It truly does effect your attitude and performance.
Ummm Daaaaave? IIIIIII hang out with TONS of people who are different from me. It doesn't matter to meeee, I'm a cool kid!
Should I be impressed? Should I try to copy you? Am I less than you? No.
And even if all these people are "different from" you, if those differences are not the kind that are still acceptable, you wouldn't give them the time of day. That's basic sociology, nothing more and nothing less. Let's not play Mother Teresa, please.
And those differences only work if they help you, enlighten you, and maybe entertain you, and not if they annoy the holy hell out of you, and not if they leave you feeling hopelessly inadequate. There is no glory in being a martyr and selecting these people only because they're different. That's tokenism, and it's a whole other issue.
You need people who respect you, not those who tolerate you. There is a HUGE difference, and once we learn self-respect, we need better than mere tolerance. We deserve a whole lot better than that.
So that's my message this week. Feel free to respond anytime!