Good Afternoon, Friends and Neighbors. Hope you're all safe and healthy!
Now that the response to the Coronavirus has gone nationwide, chances are better than average that you're homebound and locked down, just like yours truly.
Some say, what an inconvenience, we're being manipulated, we're stuck!
They're not wrong. However, this can still be used as opportunities rather than excuses.
(1) That Great American Novel burning inside of you? Perfect time to write it!
(2) That "around to it" pile you save for a rainy day that never comes? Well even if it's not raining, that rainy day is now here!
(3) Missed out on groceries and laundry last week? Not this week ya didn't!
(4) Not spending enough quality time with your loved ones? That's now been remedied.
And best of all, your "exposure" to people who aren't good to you, or even respectful to you, has now been fortuitously halted. From where I'm sitting, that's a luxury that we should never ask for, but also should never squander once it's presented!
Now is the perfect opportunity to build yourself back up for when this crisis ends, and discipline yourself to never be triggered by their shoddy behavior. It's the perfect chance to redirect your thinking, reprogram your habits, and prepare yourself for the next inevitable encounter with people who behave in ways you don't appreciate.
My Stoics? Time to delve back into the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius and the Enchiridon. Time to further strengthen our Emotional Maturity. And for all other stale and unresolved issues, time to accelerate and radiate them to reach the Point of Evaporation.
Even more importantly, we can recognize the actual health risks recognized by science, and do right by them: social distancing, not staying out longer than needed, not going into the office, etc. We can't control how this disease is spreading, or the new laws being passed in response to it. But we most certainly can control the manner in which we respond to these conditions.
My gut tells me that the reactionary hysteria and prohibitive measures put in place will be not only temporary, but of shorter duration than anticipated. Let's try to help make that happen.
Feel free to like, comment, retweet, and follow, and together let's share how we're handling this event!

This blog is meant for the advancement, redemption, and self actualization of those who have not been taught how to properly manage their emotions, and have suffered due to this lack of information. While we in no way defend those who have harmed us, we also do not make ourselves triggered and manipulated by people and things we cannot control. Through the application of the Eight Pillars, we can move forward and become the strong, unflappable, respectable people we were meant to be.