Hey All - hope you had a nice weekend!
Recently, a heard a clergy-person's sermon about empathy for others, and the rejection of selfishness. He questioned whether or not we care about the plight of those who lack what we have. And he included whether anyone cares about inner city "ghetto" residents, or even prison inmates.
This is only an idea, nothing's been done yet, but that gave me food for thought. I wrote some time ago about how those in poverty are living that way, and often stay that way, because of their mentality and attitude. They feel stuck, powerless, and unable to move forward. They turn to activities that give them momentary comfort and pleasure - hence the alcoholism, drug addiction, and unintended pregnancies - because they know only too well that the rest of their day is filled with regret, sorrow, and frustration. You don't have to be a bleeding heart, a social justice warrior, or a tree-hugger to understand that these people are hurting, and that they see no end in sight.
What if I had some of my videos emailed and broadcast in homeless shelters and jails? What if I gave them a message they could get into? What if they found Emotional Maturity and could either (a) find a way to get off the street; or (b) rejoin society without the desire to commit crimes again?
Don't get it twisted, I'm not giving anyone handouts. We've seen well-intentioned social programming fail, since there still are poor, and there still are criminals. We've also seen this 99%/1% divisiveness, blaming those who are wealthy for the plight of the lower classes. Neither one is right.
They do need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, no doubt about that. But first things first, they need to start believing in themselves big time. They need to know that they Exist, Matter, Belong, and Deserve. They need to know that they are Bold and Bulletproof. And then they need to learn enough discipline to master their emotions and expend their energy in the right direction.
Feedback would be appreciated, but by private message only. This is something I'd like to make happen.

This blog is meant for the advancement, redemption, and self actualization of those who have not been taught how to properly manage their emotions, and have suffered due to this lack of information. While we in no way defend those who have harmed us, we also do not make ourselves triggered and manipulated by people and things we cannot control. Through the application of the Eight Pillars, we can move forward and become the strong, unflappable, respectable people we were meant to be.