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Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Places And Faces

Hey All --

This weekend I discovered new running territory -- Forest Park in Queens, New York.  This beautiful spot of nature nudged between Brooklyn and Queens has major hills and amazing scenery, and at the center of it all is Victory Park, a 400-meter track perfect for speed work. 

There is a group that meets there Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8am to run.  Next week's mission is to join them for a group training run.  This weekend, I took the opportunity to get acquainted with "the lay of the land" on my own in the afternoon -- what a treat!  And it's not even three blocks away from my apartment!  Can't beat that with a stick . . . .

Oh yeah, that reminds me -- now that I've gotten my new credit card, replacing the one that is expiring, I finally made good on my guaranteed entry for the 2012 NYC Marathon.  This year I'm gonna make it happen and break that elusive four-hour mark, something I've only been able to do at out-of-town races.  I'll  keep you all posted on my progress, which may include a visit to places north of NYC -- way north!

Also, as many of you will see, I've gotten reacquainted with my webcam, and been tooling around with the Hangout feature on Google Plus.  Basically, it's like the chatrooms on AOL, but with video instead of text.  Obviously still a few degrees below in-person socialization, but it still requires us to watch how we act, and not only what we say.

So, the rest of my entry will be on the video embed I'm about to post, just to see if I can speak to you all as well as I can write.  Ahhh, the memories of the WTOP news are flooding back to me . . . .

Good night, don't forget to comment!

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